Manna Unlimited offers vendors for the SDP Service codes identified below; however, based upon the participant’s Person-Centered Plan and IPP goals and objectives. Our Independent Facilitator is knowledgeable in coordinating and identifying supported services specified on the SDP Service Codes chart.
024 – Person-Centered Planning
Assist the participant develop a Person-Centered Plan that reflects what is important to them and what is important for them.
340 – Independent Facilitator (IF)
Assist participant to identify and access services to implement needed supported services identified in their PCP/IPP
331 – Community Integration Supports
- Socialization and community awareness
- Facilitation of connections to community events and activities
- Friendship and relationship building
- Development of appropriate peer interactions and self-advocacy skills
- Tutoring
- Financial literacy
- Customized reading and speech comprehension
- Money management and income reporting skills
335 – Employment Supports
- Job Coach
- Safety skills training
- Work force integration techniques
- Work safety skills
- Money management and income reporting skills
- Skill practices training; following directions, completing tasks
- Cross training skills development
- Participant in job schedule adjustment
Self-Employment/Micro Business Development
- Business Manager
- Entrepreneurship
- Website development
- Marketing
- Graphic Design
- Business Plan
- Feasibility Study