Independent Facilitators

Manna Morals

  • Our trained Independent Facilitators (IF) hold certificates in Self-determination principles and in the Person-Centered Planning process.
  • We encourage participants and their families to interview the assigned IF to determine if they are the ideal fit for the participant and their families.
  • Our Independent Facilitators assist the Participant with accessing and coordinating services consistent with their Individual Program Plan (IPP) objectives and goals.
Job Coach
  • Manna’s Job coach/ or job technicians may assist the Participant with interviewing and securing employment.
  • Our supportive job technicians will assist with on the job-training based on the Participants abilities to complete task, interpersonal skills, and more to become a successful employee.
  • The job technicians will work directly with the company supervisor to determine workplace accommodations pursuant to ADA, and assist with work schedules.
Personal Assistant
  • Arts and crafts Personal Assistants are available to assist participants in expressing their feelings and increase coping skills.
  • Manna Personal Assistants ensure participants are integrated within their communities and valued as other individuals without disabilities; fitness training, visiting different restaurants, movie outings, or just hanging out.
Business Development & Management

Manna provides business development and infrastructure capacity-building support, including:

  • Business Plan Development
  • Business Development Training
  • Certification/ License Preparation or Registration
  • Financing and Financial Document Preparation for Small Businesses
  • Human Resource and Management Development
  • One-on-one and Online Training
  • Online business Management Documentation
  • Technical Assistance
  • Manna is dedicated to providing expanded opportunities for prime participants by working with diverse vendors supporting SCRLA and SDP compliance.

In addition, Manna works to support the micro business and its community without increasing the operations or staff size.

Website Development

Manna Unlimited provides Landing page and website design services for our clients at an affordable and effective cost.

  • Provide a Standalone or Landing web page created specifically for the participant and the product they wish to showcase.
  • Design services for our clients for an affordable and effective cost.
  • Help build the participant’s brand, products, or image.
  • Educate the importance of digital marketing, its various forms, and what strategies best help participants their goals.

Please complete and submit the Manna questionnaire to take your business to the next level and provide your customer’s online access to the products and services provided by your company.

Click here to contact us for a quote.

  • Our tutoring services are offered both virtually and in person; reading, speech, and financial literacy.
  • Designed to help Participants help themselves or assist or guide them to the point at which they become independent learners.
  • Each tutor will design a person-specific packet with the family/ guardian to focus on improving confidence with the Participant’s weaknesses while continuing to build upon their strengths.